The Attendant`s Confession part 7
We went out. Once in the street the passing from semi-obscurity to day-light dazed me and I staggered. I began to fear that it...
The Attendant`s Confession part 6
Before daybreak I bandaged the wounds that I had received in the lace. Then only did I pluck up enough courage to return to...
The Attendant`s Confession part 5
It seemed to me that I saw faces grinning on the walls; I heard muffled voices. The cries of the victim, the shrieks before...
The Attendant`s Confession part 4
Very probably my chance was approaching. The colonel was rapidly getting worse. He made his will, the notary receiving almost as many insults as...
The Attendant`s Confession part 3
But that came soon enough. One day, when I was a trifle late in giving him a massage, he took his cane and struck...
The Attendant`s Confession part 2
Arriving there, I heard bad reports concerning the colonel. He was pictured to me as a disagreeable, harsh, exacting fellow; nobody could endure him,...
The Attendant`s Confession part 1
J. M. Machado De Assis (1839-1908)
Born at Rio de Janeiro of poor parents, Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis began his literary career at an...
Private Balkan trip
Wake your senses up with private Balkan trip
A private Balkan trip in the Balkan countries means a good possibility to sink into the history...
The Greek Merchant part 4
The Marquis then turned towards the old woman, observing, “Since it is clear that the money is none of his, but mine, and you...