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The Greek Merchant part 3

The old lady appeared extremely confused at this accusation, exclaiming in a distressed tone to the Marquis, “Oh, signor, can that be possible? Is...

The Greek Merchant part 2

With great courtesy the Marquis acceded to this request, expressing himself at the same time concerned to witness the excessive affliction under which the...

The Greek Merchant part 1

Giovanbattista Giraldi Cinthio (1504-1573) Cinthio is another of the famous Italian story-tellers to whom Shakespeare is indebted for a good plot: the story of Othello...

Our Lady`s Juggler part 4

At times he represented Her as a graceful child, and Her image seemed to say, “Lord, Thou art My Lord!” There were also in the...

Our Lady`s Juggler part 3

The monk was touched by the simplicity of the juggler, and as he was not lacking in discernment, he recognized in Barnabas one of...

Our Lady`s Juggler part 2

He had never thought much about the origin of wealth nor about the inequality of human conditions. He firmly believed that if this world...

Our Lady`s Juggler part 1

Anatole France (Anatole Thibault) (1844-1924) Anatole France was born at Paris in 1844 and lived there most of his life. He was par excellence a...

The Jewish Mother

Biblical Literature It is not surprising that the stories scattered so profusely through the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Talmud, should be mostly moral tales....

The Dove And The Crow

The Dove And The Crow (Anonymous: 2nd Century B.C. or later) It is thought that the collection of fables now known as the Panchatantra had...

Horatius at the Bridge

Ancient Rome It is a commonplace of literary history that Roman art was largely imitated or derived from the Greek, and in particular that Roman...

Abandoned part 2


Anatolian Milestones