The Kaddish part 2
The seven girls took alarm.
“That is for joy,” explained the “grandmother.” “I have known that happen before.”
“A boy… a boy!” sobbed Reb Selig, overcome...
The Kaddish part 1
Abraham Raisin (187&—1953)Raisin is another of the Yiddish group who came from Russia, though he lived for some time in the United States. He...
A Picnic part 4
“O Sarah!” he sighed, and he would have said more, but just at that moment it began to spot with rain, and before they...
A Picnic part 3
Shmuel counted his children and the traps. “No, nothing, Sarah!” he said.
Doletzke went to sleep, the other children sat quietly in their places. Sarah,...
A Picnic part 2
“What will it cost?” asks Sarah, suddenly, and Shmuel has soon made the necessary calculation.
“A family ticket is only thirty cents, for Yossele, Rivele,...
A Picnic part 1
S. Libin (Israel Hurwitz) (1872-1955)
Israel Hurwitz, better known by his pseudonym, S. (or Z.) Libin, was born in Russia in 1872. He wrote a...
A Womans Wrath part 4
His heart is already sore for his victim, but he is feeling his power over her for the first time, and it has gone...
A Womans Wrath part 3
He sits and “learns,” unconscious of the charged atmosphere; does not see her let the sock fall and begin wringing her finger-joints; does not...
A Womans Wrath part 2
To her right is the one grimy little window, to her left, the table. She is knitting a sock, rocking the cradle with her...
A Womans Wrath part 1
The Yiddish, or Judceo-German, dialect was employed for general -f- purposes some centuries before the beginning of what is known as Yiddish Literature. It...